Friendship Status for Whatsapp (100 Best Cute Status for Friends Forever)

Friendship Status for Whatsapp (100 Best Cute Status for Friends Forever): your bond with your friends is much stronger than anybody else. A friend occupies a special place in your heart. True friends are difficult to get but worth it if you once have them in your life.

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In this article, I will share some amazing Friendship status for Whatsapp which you will able to use them in your Whatsapp status and show some amazing feelings to your friends. Therefore, I am back with some top-rated Friendship Whatsapp status after writing Motivational Whatsapp status for you.


Best 100 Friendship Status for Whatsapp – Cute Status for Friends Forever

Best Friendship Status for Whatsapp

If you too have true bonds with your friends then this friendship status for WhatsApp will blow your mind. I hope you will definitely use in your daily stories and show some love to your friend.

  • I want to possess true friendship.
  • Having a faithful friend in your life will cherish your soul.
  • True friends will act like medicine in your difficult times.
  • If you don’t have a true friend, be your own friend.
  • A girl can survive without a boyfriend but can’t live without BEST FRIEND.
  • The greatest BLESSING you have in your life is ‘TRUE FRIEND’.
  • Friendship is that relation which is way purer than any blood relation.
  • My best friend is like a coconut, hard from outside… Soft from Inside!
  • If you want to learn the language of friendship then know its true meaning first.
  • True friends are like your favorite books few but hand-selected.
  • Wherever you are it is because of your friends whether GOOD or BAD.
  • Friends are like beautiful days you will always want to cherish it.
  • Your friendship will wrap you around with a strong friendship band.
  • True friends will always give you hand in distress.
  • YOU and I are like the smallest GANG. ( Whatsapp Friendship Quotes )
  • As you grow older, you’ll know your TRUE friends.
  • Do not mess with me you don’t know about my BEST FRIEND.
  • My best friend is not just a friend he is like a family.
  • Friends are like magical ingredients in your favorite recipe.
  • Friendship doesn’t need to be perfect, it needed to be pure!


Cute Whatsapp Status for friends forever

Cute Whatsapp Status for friends forever

A true best friend will always encourage you in life.

I and My best friend don’t need words to communicate, our eyes communicate automatically.

I would rather walk in the dark with my friend than to walk alone.

According to most of the people, I am a Gentle person, only my best friend knows about the devil inside me!

I have done something right in LIFE because I am blessed with a friend like you.

Life becomes a bit easier when you have FRIENDS.

A good friend knows your best adventure stories and best has lived it.

Some friend comes for a reason and another for the season.

I don’t need to think twice before doing my weird STUFF.

Your TRUE friend will always overlook your failure and enjoys your success.

I wish our children are also best friends like us. ( Cute Friendship Status for Whatsapp )

I want to spend my all life being a friend with you.

A true friend is like finding a pink rose in the field of a red rose.

OUR friendship means WORLD to me.

Every day that we spend together is like a dream come true.

Only your BEST FRIEND can see your tears under your FAKE smile.

Don’t think twice before calling me when you are in trouble.

BEST FRIENDS knows how weird you are and still see in public with you.

A fake friend asks for the party and Real ones organize it for you.

I have done something great in my LIFE that I am blessed to have a friend like you.

Friendship Status for Whatsapp

Visit – Top Romantic Love Status for Whatsapp


Best Friendship Status for Whatsapp

Cute Friendship Status for Whatsapp
Best Friendship Status for Whatsapp

Friendship is all about not to forget but how to forgive. Not to listen but listen to understand.

Your desserts become sweeter when you share it with your friends.

I love my friends from my soul just in case my stops and brain forgets.

All my dirty secrets are always revealed by my best friend.

Only one friend can make your life worth living for.

Respect those friends who find time for you and love those who never see their schedule.

True friends don’t need to communicate daily they live inside our hearts.

Friendship doesn’t mean how long you know each other but who have stood by you for longer.

Some people leave footprints on your heart by coming into your life they are called FRIENDS. ( Best Friendship Whatsapp Status )

Do not make millions of friends that don’t stay with you when millions are against you. Make friends who stay with you forever.

Your friends reveal your character, choose your friends wisely.

Your friends make you smile a bit more and enjoy your life more.

Having a sister in life is the greatest blessing as she will be your Best friend forever.

I miss my Best Friend more than the sun misses the sky at night.

Don’t fear an enemy that slaps you on your face, fear about fake friends that hugs you daily.

Always stand with your friends even if you don’t stand with their situations.

Good friends praise each other, Best friends scold each other!

A true friend doubles your happiness and divides your pain.

I never realize that we are making memories while having fun.

True Friendship is the only thing which you can’t buy from money.


Whatsapp Status for Missing friends

Whatsapp Status for Missing friends

  1. The reason why I miss my school days is You! “My dear Best Friend!”
  2. Pretending everything to be OK from outside! But from inside my heart knows that I really miss you, Friend!
  3. True friendship is PRICELESS it doesn’t come with tags.
  4. FAKE friends believe in what others say about you but real friend believes in you.
  5. You will find your fake friends in your dark time because shadow follows you in the daytime but left you in dark.
  6. You know that you find your best friend when she also loves talking about ‘MAKEUP’.
  7. When silence becomes comfortable then you know you have the right company.
  8. Every love should begin with friendship.  ( Top Friendship Status for Whatsapp )
  9. If friendship is your weakest part then MAN you are the bravest person.
  10. A true friend is like a moon, you don’t see it all the time but you know it’s there.
  11. I love my friends as they are the reason that I smile more often.
  12. That reaction is priceless when your friend joins you when you are lying.
  13. Your best friend tells you the TRUTH even when you don’t want to listen.
  14. When you walk into a friend’s home and WIFI connects automatically, you know they are your best friends.
  15. Your friends will bring out the best in you.
  16. A RICH and POOR can never be best friends.
  17. I never realize how much you mean to me until the feeling of separation hit me.
  18. Friends are like DIAMONDS if you hit them they will not break but slips away forever.
  19. Trust is always important to maintain any relationship; if you can’t trust me don’t befriend me.
  20. I thank GOD every night before going to bed and the REASON for this is MY FRIEND.
  21. We grown-up today…but, still you are my childhood bestie! love you friend.


Funny Friendship Status for Whatsapp

Funny Friendship Status for Whatsapp

A good friend will help you during trouble, A best friend will be the reason of that trouble!

My friend’s watch is very slow, according to that stupid watch 2 minutes is equal to 2 hours!

I love my weird, stupid, crazy, and all kinds of friends.

A true friend is like a candle in a dark room.

True friends can double up your strength and lower your weaknesses.

Fake friends usually come in life to make realize us the value of our idiot best friend!

Our friendship story is my favorite.

You are my TOM and I am your JERRY. Annoy each other all the time but can’t stay without each other.

If your friendship is old then it is STRONGER.

You need to think twice to start a conversation with your best friend.

Friends care for each other and live together with no matter what’s the situation.

MONEY can never buy friendship. Notice people who just only talk to you for your expensive stuff. ( Funny Friendship Quotes )

Your parents will know your true friends before you even know.

Backbenchers always make memories and memory is more important than anything in life.

Our emotions tie us together and forever.

Break my friend’s heart and I’ll break your bones.

Sleepover parties are the best part of my life and friendship.

True friends will always share clothes, makeup, shoes, bags, and attitude.

Love your life and love your friends more because they will be the reason to smile at your last time.

Your friend circle should be discussing POSITIVE energy. If you feel any negativity. Leave them.


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Final Words – Best Cute Whatsapp Status for Friends Forever

Here is a list of amazing “Friendship status for Whatsapp” which contains different types of situations and you can choose them easily to suit your need. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I do while writing it.


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